The Vital Role of Leisure in Mental Health: Exploring Recreation Therapy
Leisure is Vital
How do you use your free time? What do you enjoy? These are some of the first questions I ask clients as they begin Recreation Therapy. Leisure—anything you do in your free time that is not obligatory—is a vital part of our lives. It can improve our mental and physical health, release endorphins, boost our immune system, and provide an opportunity for healthy redirection when experiencing intrusive thoughts.
When I ask new clients what they do for leisure, they often respond, “I don’t really know,” or “I don’t do anything for fun.” I then ask them: What makes it difficult to engage in leisure? What are the barriers you experience? Leisure barriers may include:
Lack of motivation
Lack of interest or enjoyment
Low self-esteem
Lack of leisure partner(s)
Lack of free time
And so many more…
Acknowledging these leisure interests and barriers allows the client and me to get a basic understanding of their leisure lifestyle, or lack thereof. Once we acknowledge leisure barriers, I can ask: If you could erase those barriers, what would you do with your free time? Knowing a client’s leisure interests or potential interests is an important part of creating a plan for Recreation Therapy.
Recreation Therapy in a Nutshell
Recreation Therapy (also known as Therapeutic Recreation) is strengths-focused and person-centered; it is a collaborative process that is adapted to meet you wherever you are. Rec Therapy uses a systematic process, addressing the assessed needs of individuals to meet specific goals through leisure-based activities. Though improving leisure lifestyle and having more fun is a great outcome of Recreation Therapy, that’s not necessarily the goal you might be working towards. Other goals may include increased focus, enhanced mood, or sustained social engagement, using leisure modalities to help you reach your goal.
Recreation Therapy at OCDMN
At OCDMN, we will work together to establish goals that make sense for you. Using a variety of modalities such as movement, creative arts, music, discussion, and games, we will work together to achieve your goals, move towards your authentic self, and improve your quality of life.
We offer both individual sessions and group workshops. Individual sessions are highly catered to you and your interests, making the process relevant and motivating for you. Group workshops are a wonderful way to create community and dive into leisure education while engaging in self-reflection and tapping into your creativity.
Whether individually or in a group, Recreation Therapy can support you in your mental health journey!
Are you interested in improving your leisure lifestyle, meeting your goals through leisure, and moving towards your authentic self?
Email for more information.