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Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment

Personalized and Neurodiversity-Affirming Assessments for ADHD

Our ADHD assessments are designed to dive deep into how attention, focus, and impulsivity shape your daily experiences. We don’t just look at symptoms; we take a broader view of how ADHD affects your work, relationships, and personal goals. Through a thorough and personalized evaluation, we help you identify patterns and provide actionable recommendations. Whether it's finding new strategies for time management or understanding your brain’s unique wiring, our assessment is the first step toward a more organized and fulfilling life.

Our ADHD Assessment process:


Three-Session ADHD Assessment Process

You will complete three sessions, which will include clinical assessments: Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) and the Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA 2.0).

  • CAARS: This assessment is completed at home, where you will self-report on ADHD-related symptoms. You may invite a family member or close friend to provide additional input for a broader perspective on your behaviors and challenges.

  • DIVA 2.0: Conducted during an in-session interview, this structured tool helps explore your developmental history and current symptoms of ADHD. The clinician will guide you through a series of questions to assess how ADHD affects different areas of life, such as work, relationships, and personal functioning. The results will be reviewed in a follow-up session to inform the overall diagnosis.

  • Additional Screenings: Based on your needs, additional screenings like the ASRS, BRIEF-A, or other tools may be used to assess emotional regulation, executive functioning, or other areas impacted by ADHD.

  • Developmental History/Family Questionnaire: You will complete a developmental history that focuses on your childhood development, education, and relationships. Family members may also be invited to provide additional insights if you feel it would be helpful.


1-Hour ADHD Evaluation Session

The 1-hour evaluation session is dedicated to reviewing the findings from your ADHD assessments in detail. During this time, your clinician will:

  • Explain the assessment results: Your clinician will provide a thorough overview of your ADHD symptoms, including attention, impulsivity, and executive functioning.

  • Answer any questions: You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your diagnosis, how it affects daily life, and what specific challenges you may face.

  • Provide personalized recommendations: Based on your unique profile, your clinician will offer tailored recommendations, such as strategies for managing symptoms, organizational tools, or behavioral interventions.

  • Discuss next steps: Together, you will explore next steps, which may include treatment options like medication, coaching, therapy, or other resources for ongoing support and self-management.


Assessment Report Options

1. Diagnostic Report (Included with Assessment)

  • Delivery Timeline: You will receive the report within four weeks of your final evaluation session.

  • Purpose: This report provides a summary of your ADHD diagnosis, focusing on attention, impulsivity, and executive functioning. It includes recommendations for managing ADHD symptoms in various settings.

  • Circumstances: The ADHD Diagnostic Report is useful when a documented diagnosis is required for:

    • Insurance claims and billing purposes.

    • Initial treatment planning or support services.

    • Clients or caregivers needing a concise summary of the ADHD diagnosis and recommended management strategies.

  • Third Parties: This report is commonly requested by:

    • Healthcare providers for ADHD treatment planning.

    • Insurance companies for claims and reimbursement.

    • Schools or employers needing proof of diagnosis for accommodations or services.

Note: This report is included with your assessment.

2. Comprehensive Evaluation Report - $800 (Optional)

  • Details: This in-depth report includes all elements of the ADHD Diagnostic Report, plus:

    • A detailed psychosocial history focusing on ADHD-related challenges in attention, impulsivity, and executive functioning.

    • Supplemental assessments to explore emotional regulation, organizational skills, and behavioral tendencies.

    • Detailed interpretation of assessments and an in-depth clinical discussion, offering personalized strategies for symptom management.

3. Accommodation Letter - $200 (Optional)

  • Purpose: If needed, we can provide an accommodation letter that outlines recommended accommodations for work, school, or other settings, tailored specifically to managing ADHD symptoms.

OCD & Anxiety Center of Minnesota

OCD & Anxiety Center of Minnesota •

What the Assessment Does Not Include

Our assessments are tailored to evaluate specific areas of neurodivergence. However, they do not cover the following:

  • IQ or Giftedness Testing

  • Assessment for Learning Disabilities

  • Full-Battery Neuropsychological Evaluations
    (These evaluations provide a comprehensive understanding of brain functioning. Our assessments do not diagnose IQ, learning disorders, traumatic brain injury, or similar concerns.)

Important Limitations

Please be aware of the following limitations to our assessment services:

  • We do not provide assessments for children (under 18 years old), as this requires specialized expertise.

  • We do not offer assessments outside of Minnesota.

  • We do not administer assessments for adults without verbal fluency.

  • We do not offer assessments to individuals solely seeking a diagnosis. Our approach includes ongoing individual or couples counseling alongside the assessment.

Note: We believe that knowing a diagnosis alone is rarely enough. True progress comes from combining this knowledge with a personalized plan and ongoing support.

  • We do not conduct neuropsychological testing for motor skills, memory, concept formation, visual-perceptual skills, self-sufficiency, or academic achievement. These tests are typically used for children requiring a broader assessment of intellectual function.

Referral for Neuropsychological Evaluations

If a full-battery neuropsychological evaluation is needed, we are happy to refer you to local providers. This type of evaluation may be required by some educational institutions, workplaces, or for obtaining disability benefits and academic accommodations.

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Do more than manage symptoms

Reclaim your life and thrive.

Our dedicated team is ready to guide you through each step of your journey with compassion, expertise, and unwavering support.